

  • Predrag Gluhaković The Ministry of Trade and Tourism of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka
  • Aleksandar Đurić The Ministry of Trade and Tourism of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka


Product development of eco and ethno tourism begins with the identification of local resources. Resources may not be as valuable as they are part of the World Heritage; it can be quite ordinary objects and resources from the daily life of local people. Local residents may need a help of experts from various authorities precisely because a large number of resources are so ordinary in the eyes of the local population. They often are not even aware that it could attract tourists. The market oriented approach to tourism, in principle, makes it easy to integrate, and even subordinate tourism policy to economic. Accordingly, the role of state in market economies is of a limited range and it reduces to a minimum security conditions for regular functioning of the market economy mechanism. The Republic of Srpska has a great potential for development of ethno and eco-tourism, which is still not properly valorized.


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How to Cite
Gluhaković, P., & Đurić, A. (2017). EXAMPLES OF ETNO AND ECO TOURISM IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 2(1), 184-201. Retrieved from https://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/140