

  • Pero Petrović Institute of International Politics and Economics; Belgrade
  • Stevan Barovic Ph.D. candidate, University Alfa BK, Belgrade
Keywords: Culture, heritage, tourism, tendencies, profiling, diplomacy


This paper delineates the importance and specificity of the development of cultural tourism and importance in the process of employment. Accordingly, the paper presents the charasterics of tourist product in cultural tourism. Cultural tourism and, especially, heritage tourism, both tangible and intangible, are one of the most vital segments of contemporary tourism. It is a fact that there is an increased interest in cultural tourism all over the world, along with UNWTO fore- casts that cultural tourism market will remain in the leading position. This tourism is important due to its multiple positive socio-economic implications (e.g. revitalizing certain urban areas), as well as the financial support to conservation, heritage promotion, thus enabling financial independence of cultural institutions and organizations and influencing cultural decentralization. In addition, it obviously contributes to growing popularity of cultural attractions with local communities by raising awareness of the value of their property, while the interest in different aspects of local authenticity enhances reactivation of certain indigenous traditions that have become almost obsolete.


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How to Cite
Petrović, P., & Barovic, S. (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL TOURISM AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN THE PROCESS OF EMPLOYMENT. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 4(1), 131-147. Retrieved from http://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/248