

  • Boriša Lečić Faculty of Law and Business Studies dr Lazar Vrkatić, Novi Sad
  • Zdravko Skakavac Faculty of Law and Business Studies dr Lazar Vrkatić, Novi Sad


Terrorism as a destructive social phenomenon, and as a symbol of violence, fear and insecurity, generates negative implications in all spheres of social life, especially in the sphere of economy and the economy of modern states. Implicitly, terrorism produces a negative, multiplied impact on tourism and its overall effects, which has, in recent years, positioned itself as an ideally easy terrorist target. Tourist destinations and tourists themselves have become direct strategic and tactical targets of terrorist attacks aimed at achieving long-term political, ideological and religious goals, destabilizing the system of national and regional security. Although the causal connection between terrorism and tourism is specific, unbreakable and cannot be ignored, it is nevertheless very complex and difficult to quantify and accurately define the negative effects of the impact of terrorism on tourism, as statistical indicators and individual scientific research deny direct correlation and decline in tourism revenue at the national level. The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of contemporary terrorist acts, and the amplitude of their impact on tourist effects.


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How to Cite
Lečić, B., & Skakavac, Z. (2018). TERRORISM AS A CONTEMPORARY CRIMINOLOGY IMPACT FACTOR ON TOURIST EFFECTS. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 3(1), 722-739. Retrieved from http://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/42