

  • Ivo Županović Faculty of Business and Tourism FBT - Budva


When observing the sustainability of the tourism product, it is necessary to identify all forms of tourism that can be an integral part of tourism offer. The involvement and better positioning of cultural tourism will be emphasized, primarily due to the fact that the cultural and natural resources represent a key segment of the tourism product of the observed destinations in this the case of Kotor. The paper will present EU experiences on this issue, present in details a part of an integrated tourism product that relates to cultural resources, reflection of cultural events in the development of tourist destinations, as well as further measures to incorporate the above type of tourism, identify market niches, the said categories as an indicator of potentials in terms of developing the said markets, as well as branding of destinations on this basis.


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How to Cite
Županović, I. (2017). CONTEMPORARY FORMS OF TOURISM IN DEVELOPMENT AND BRANDING OF TOURIST DESTINATIONS OFFERS-CASE STUDY OF KOTOR. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 2(1), 150-166. Retrieved from https://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/138