

  • Pero Petrović Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade
  • Danica Vuković Singidunum University, Belgrade
Keywords: sustainable tourism, income from tourism, GDP, BH


For Bosnia and Herzegovina, a tourist destination that has suffered war developments, uncertainty and sustainable development are features that are permanently modeling processes in the BH tourism development. Bosnia and Herzegovina has existed for two decades as an independent state, but its peoples are still recovering from the war and political conflicts. Nevertheless, tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina is constantly developing, making an important part of the state economy, thus we can say it is increasingly streaming towards the transformation from the mass into sustainable tourism. The aim of this study is to show how important is the revenue generated by tourism for creating the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) as well as to point out the consequences of mass tourism and the need for sustainable tourism development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cross-border cooperation is the first and the most important political task of European Union, which needs to be implemented on regional and local levels. In the policies of European Commission, tourism is presented as a realistic possibility for development of border regions. This paper gives review of the key indicators which give economic basis for development of tourism in Semberija as a border region.


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How to Cite
Petrović, P., & Vuković, D. (2016). BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS A SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DESTINATION. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 1(2), 221-238. Retrieved from https://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/183