

  • Ivana Simić Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Ivana Marinović Matović Faculty of Law, Security and Management „Konstantin Veliki“ Niš


According to numerous Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Reports, compiled by the World Economic Forum, the Republic of Serbia has occupied an unenviable competitive position for years. Such a position is a consequence of a poor state of a large number of relevant indicators, based on which the mutual competitiveness of national economies in the tourism sector is evaluated. The paper points to the possibilities and ways of enhancing the status of that group of indicators concerning the quality of information and communication technology applied in the tourism sector. The aim of the paper is to point to the need of strengthening the efforts towards digitalization of various spheres of tourism with the purpose of improving the functioning and competitiveness of the entire tourism sector.


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How to Cite
Simić, I., & Marinović Matović, I. (2018). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE FUNCTION OF IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA IN THE TOURISM SECTOR. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 3(1), 374-389. Retrieved from https://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/21