

  • Svetlana Zdravković Jungian analyst, Specialist in medical psychology, Institute of mental health, Belgrade
Keywords: health tourism, Jungian psychology, forest medicine


Forest medicine is attracting huge attention all over the world. Based on the Japaneese Shinrin Yoku movement („forest bathing“), it gathers scientists in studying the effects of being in the forest. The improvement of health situation, reduction of psychological and physical disorders, faster adaptation to stress and relaxation, are a few of the benefits that spending time in the forest brings. If we, as a part of a team, include a psychotherapist, the mentioned positive effects could get additional dimension. Thanks to his(her) support, methods and interventions, positive changes achieved in the forest medicine could have more lasting effects, could lead toward bigger satisfaction and further unfolding of the client`s individuation process. In the presentation, methods of Jungian psychology and psychotherapy will be discussed and applied (with the emphasis on active imagination) in the context of health tourism based on the model: cure forest and healing forest.


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How to Cite
Zdravković, S. (2018). THE ROLE OF PSYCHOTHERAPIST IN THE INDIVIDUAL APPROACH TO THE CLIENT WITHIN THE HEALTH TURISM. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 3(2), 697-713. Retrieved from https://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/83