There are several types of contracts for the provision of tourist services in business practice and they are generally different according to the type of tourist services in concreto. What can be said with certainty is that these are all contracts of adhesion, the conditions of which are dictated by one, generally stronger contracting party, while the other can act on "take-it-or- leave-it" principle. In practice, there are very frequent cases of non-compliance with the contractual provisions, precisely by the contracting party which dictated the terms of the contract and did not abide by them. Therefore, the normal functioning of the provision of tourist services and further development of tourism as a very important and promising activity in the Republic of Serbia requires better control and supervision. Therefore, normal functioning of the provision of tourist services, and further development of tourism as a very important and promising activity in the Republic of Serbia requires better control and supervision of the adopted legal rules governing tourism contacts.
2. Carić, S., Kapor, V. (2000). Ugovori robnog prometa, Centar za privredni konsalting, Novi Sad.
3. Consumer Protection Law ("Official Gazette of RS” No. 62/2014, 6/2016 – another law and 44/2018 – another law).
4. Directive 2015/2302/EU on package travel and linked travel arrangements (20 January 2019).
5. Gorenc, V., Šmid, V. (1999). Poslovno pravo u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Zagreb.
6. Law on Contracts and Torts ("Official Gazette of SFRY”, No. 29/78, 39/85, 45/89 - YCC and 57/89, "Official Gazette of SRY”, No. 31/93 and "Official Gazette SCG”, No. 1/2003 – Constitutional charter).
7. Law on Inspection Oversight ("Official Gazette of RS” No. 36/2015, 44/2018 – another law and 95/2018).
8. Law on Tourism ("Official Gazette of RS” Nos. 36/2009, 88/2010, 99/2011 - another law, 93/2012, 84/2015 i 83-2018 – another law).
9. Mondo, Turistička agencija SAB travel ostaje bez licence (20 January 2019).
10. Putnik Travel, (20 January 2019).
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13. Škorić, S., Jovanović, V. (2018). Trends of engagement of workers in tourism - registered and employment (Persons in employment), in: Thematic Proceedings "TOURISM IN FUNCTION OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - Tourism in the Era of Digital Transformation. Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, Vrnjačka Banja, 31 May-2 June, 603-621.
14. Spasić, V. (2011). Poslovanje turističkih agencija i organizatora putovanja, Univerzitet Singidunum, Fakultet za turistički i hotelijerski menadžment, Beograd.
15. Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (20 January 2019).
16. The Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period from 2016 to 2025 ("Official Gazette RS” no. 98/2016).
17. Vanderperren, W. (1968) Travel agents and travelers, Antwerpen.
18. Vujisić, D. (2009). Poslovno pravo – trgovinsko pravo, Besjeda, Banja Luka.
19. Vukonić, B (1993). Turističke agencije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
20. Wineersch, E. (1974) Le contrat touristique, Brisel.
21. YUTA, (20 January 2019).