

  • Sanja Škorić Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad
  • Vladimir Jovanović Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad


The employment policy must be in line with economic potential, but also must be the driver of the economic development of a country. This is particularly important in tourism where human resources are treated as the most important factor of growth and development. In addition to the quality of human resources, the development of tourism is also influenced by the way in which workers are engaged, since the quality of the service can be directly dependent on it. Significant fluctuation of employees in tourism in Serbia and the departure of a large number of skilled workers abroad require a different approach in the employment policy and the engagement of workers in this field. The authors of this paper, through available researchеs and official statistical data, analyze the trends in this field and compare it with the situation in other countries, and attempted to come to conclusions that will reduce the gap between the so-called employment (persons in employment) and registered employment of workers in tourism.


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How to Cite
Škorić, S., & Jovanović, V. (2018). TRENDS IN ENGAGEMENT OF WORKERS IN TOURISM - REGISTERED AND EMPLOYMENT (PERSONS IN EMPLOYMENT). Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 3(1), 603-621. Retrieved from http://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/35