

  • Mimoza Serafimova Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delcev University - Štip, Macedonia
  • Risto Dambov Faculty of Natural Sciences, Goce Delcev University - Štip, Macedonia
Keywords: strategy, tourism, human health


From its existence, man seeks to visit places where he feels calm, filled with positive energy and pleasure. Such places exist and represent a long-standing sphere of interest both to individuals who explore and travel on their own, as well as to modern tourism, which focuses on health and development of such places and offers on tourism market through development strategies. In this paper, the strategies that are elaborated are the ones that will associate availability of such locations with the electromagnetic field in their surroundings and the people’s need to enjoy its influence. The main focus is put on the impact on the global magnetic field of the Earth, represented through the Schumann resonance and its potential influence on human health and the creation and application of development strategies that will promote new approaches to this tourism product in Macedonia.


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How to Cite
Serafimova, M., & Dambov, R. (2019). TOURISM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: NEW ASPECTS TAILORED UPON THE SCHUMANN RESONANCE. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 4(2), 723-741. Retrieved from http://www.tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/324