

  • Viktor Radun Metropolitan University, Faculty of Applied Ecology, Belgrade
  • Mirjana Bartula Metropolitan University, Faculty of Applied Ecology, Belgrade
Keywords: fourth industrial revolution, Future, 4IRtechnologies, tourism of protected areas, ecotourism, smart tourism


In this paper we analyze and evaluate the impact of the new technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on tourism of protected areas and the future of ecotourism and tourism of protected areas. The transformational role of the 4IR technologies has huge potential effect on managing protected areas. Using new technologies in ecotourism and tourism in protected areas will greatly improve management of protected areas. In this paper we analyzed dominant technological trends and key concepts in tourism industry. We also presented case study of the applying new technologies in SNR Zasavica in Serbia. In future, the new concepts and the Smart Tourism paradigm will transform the ecotourism and tourism of protected areas in the way of creating fully automated technological ecosystem intended for managing sustainability of the protected areas environment. There are several emerging concepts that have a capacity to completely and radically change the way of the business as we know it and will surely have great impact on tourism and ecotourism in the future.


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How to Cite
Radun, V., & Bartula, M. (2022). APPLYING TECHNOLOGIES OF THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION - THE FUTURE OF ECOTOURISM AND TOURISM OF PROTECTED AREAS. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 7(1), 630-647. https://doi.org/10.52370/TISC22630VR