

  • Jasmina Ognjanović University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja
  • Marijana Bugarčić University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac
Keywords: employer brand, hotel, COVID-19, human resource


Hospitality and tourism is one of economic braches which has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Finding the ways and identifying the measures for recovering from the crisis which has been lasting for more than a year is the key task of hotel managers and leaders. The main objective of this paper is to examine the state of affairs in the hotel industry that has been devastated by COVID-19 and analyze the possible tools for human resource management in hotels, all with the aim of mitigating the consequences of the crisis. Inductive and deductive research methods were used for the needs of this analysis. One of the possible solutions for overcoming the crisis of human resource management is employer brand. Investing in employer brand may result in creating specific benefits for employees - functional, economic and psychological benefits. During the pandemic, the benefits for employees are expanded to job security, health protection and psychological recovery of employees.


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How to Cite
Ognjanović, J., & Bugarčić, M. (2021). THE ROLE OF EMPLOYER BRAND IN HOTEL COMPANIES DURING COVID-19 CRISIS. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 6(1), 263-280. https://doi.org/10.52370/TISC21263JO